Here is some documentation on how to create modules for KTaNE Solver. If you need any help just ask on the discord server.
Add a JSON line to meta.json
to give some information about the module.
Update the version number each time you make changes to the module or it won’t update from within the app.
{"name":" <module name> ","id":" <name of the module's script without .js> ","alias":[ <array of command names> ],"help": <a description of the command> ,"version": <an integer for the version> }
Each command is sent with an array of arguments stored in a variable called args
which can interpret anyway you like
There are various functions to access the bomb info. Here is a list of them all.
// Serial Number
bombinfo.serialnumber.whole // e.g. A12BT8
bombinfo.serialnumber.letters // e.g. ["A","B","T"]
bombinfo.serialnumber.numbers // e.g. [1,2,8] <-- The numbers are returned as integers
(/^[aeiou]$/i.test(bombinfo.serialnumber.whole)) // returns true if the serial number contains vowels
// Strikes
bombinfo.strikes // returns an integer
// Batteries
bombinfo.batteries.<battery name> // an integer
bombinfo.batteries.holders // an integer
bombinfo.batteries.all // an integer
// valid battery names are "aa" and "d"
// Indicators
bombinfo.indicators.exists( <name> ); // returns boolean equivalent to is lit or unlit
bombinfo.indicators.isLit( <name> ); // returns boolean
bombinfo.indicators.isUnlit( <name> ); // returns boolean
bombinfo.indicators.getTotal(); // returns integer of total number of indicators
bombinfo.indicators.getLit(); // returns array of lit indicators
bombinfo.indicators.getUnlit(); // returns array of unlit indicators
// Ports
bombinfo.portplates // an array of portplates (see below for more info)
bombinfo.getPortsCount( <port name> ); // returns an integer of the number of ports
bombinfo.getPortsCount(); // returns an integer of the number of all the ports
// Module Counts // an integer of the total number of modules (including needies)
bombinfo.moduleCount.solved // an integer of solved modules
bombinfo.moduleCount.unsolved // an integer of unsolved modules (disincluding needies)
bombinfo.moduleCount.needy // an integer of the number of needies
Port Types
Portplates List
This returns an array of KtanePortplate classes.
KtanePortplate {getCount: <function>, getNames: <function>}
KtanePortplate {getCount: <function>, getNames: <function>}
These methods can be used with the KtanePortplate class.
portplate.getCount( <port type> ); // get an integer of the number of this port
portplate.getCount(); // get an integer of the total number of ports
portplate.getNames(); // get the names of the ports on the plate
The display element is now sent in a variable helpfully called displayElement
. HTML content can be added to it including lists and images.
displayElement.html( <content> );
displayElement.append( <add content to the end> );
displayElement.prepend( <add content to the start> );
ktaneNatoToLetter( <word> ); // returns the letter or null if it is an invalid word
ktaneLetterToNato( <letter> ); // returns the word or null if the input is invalid
ktaneWordToNumber( <word> ); // returns the number or null if it is an invalid word
All assets must be stored in the assets folder in a subfolder with the same name as the script file without the .js
. The path to the modules assets is send in a variable called assetsPath
Some assets can be put in the global assets which will load all the time. A list of the current global assets and their description can be found below.
Global Assets List
playfair.encrypt(key, data); // encrypts data using the key
playfair.decrypt(key, data, (optional) handle); // decrypts data using the key. handle can either be true to drop all X, false to do nothing or a function with one argument to process it on your own. Return value is used. Default is true.
playfair.getMatrix(key); // gets a matrix for the playfair
caesar.cipher(offset, data); // ciphers data by offset use a minus to reverse the cipher
Used to make the bot speak to the user.
Storage data for your module for use when the next command is run.
globalStorage.get( <name> ); // returns data item or undefined
globalStorage.set( <name> , <data to save> ); // saves data item
in your browserhttp://localhost:8000/single.html?testmodule=<module id>
may just quickly flash up a window if so ask on my Discord server about adding Python to the environment variables./server
from a terminalhttp://localhost:8000/
in your browserhttp://localhost:8000/single.html?testmodule=<module id>
If your distribution is detected as unknown create a working script for it and add it to the main server startup script. If you are unsure just ask MrMelon or another contributor.